Christian Life

Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly With Us and understands our weakness. Hebrews pt.5

  • The stories from when Jesus walked this earth with us,
  • show a man who experienced a full range of emotions, and was deeply empathic with those around him.
  • Hebrews encourages us to experience this deep compassion as we engage with him in prayer.

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Can a Christian Permanently Fall Away? Hebrews pt.4 (6:1-12 & 10:26-39)

  • What do these passages actually say?
  • And how do they fit in with other Scriptures that speak of the ‘Unforgivable Sin?’.

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Jesus our Sympathetic Priest, giving confidence and support to our prayers (Hebrews pt.3: 4:12-5:10)

We can gain a deeper appreciation of what Jesus does for us from this description of O.T. priests. Hebrews urges us to come to God in confidence because Jesus truly knows what it is like to be human: weak and tempted.

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Making an Effort to Rest —Why is it such a problem? Hebrews pt.2 (ch 3-4)

It sounds like a contradiction when we are told: ‘Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest’ (Heb 4:11), but it is actually not, it is one of the keys to a fruitful, productive and stress-free life.

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Jesus is Better than Everything! —The Message of Hebrews pt.1

Jesus is far better than everything else we could possibly have. Incomparably better! So hold fast to him and don’t allow yourself to be pulled away by other attractions.

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