New Testament Theology

Followup Teaching on: Can a Christian Fall Away? Hebrews pt.6 (6:1-12 & 8:9-12)

  • Followup session answering the great questions that came out of part 4, which asked ‘Can a Christian Permanently Fall Away?’
  • The root of the answer is understanding what actually happens to you when you become a Christian,
  • and then we look at some Scriptures which may seem to say the opposite.

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Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly With Us and understands our weakness. Hebrews pt.5

  • The stories from when Jesus walked this earth with us,
  • show a man who experienced a full range of emotions, and was deeply empathic with those around him.
  • Hebrews encourages us to experience this deep compassion as we engage with him in prayer.

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