What is your reality? (Hebrews pt.13)

  • The difference between living with your focus on
    • the visible world
    • vs. the invisible world of God’s promises
  • and how this will change your life.

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Video cover image by Bradley Hook www.pexels.com

  • How can you please God?
    • Please him the most? —a single word!

Hebrews 11

  1. Now trust in God gives us confidence in what we hope for, and assures us of the reality of things that are not seen.
  2. It is because of this trust in God that the people of old received commendation
  3. By trust in God we understand that the ages of the world were created
    by the word of God
    so that what is seen did not originate from what is seen…
  4. Without trust it is impossible to please God
    for it is necessary for the one who draws near to God to believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.
  • Note that in English we have two words, faith and trust but in the Bible they are just one word
    • Usually it is translated faith in our Bibles, but it has changed it’s meaning to “general spirituality”
    • Trust: Someone whose trust is in Jesus Christ
  • What is the most important thing we need to have to keep us following God in this World?
    • Of course the most important thing is the Spirit
    • But the second (linked to this) is an understanding that there’s a spiritual reality, that is more real than the physical reality we see around us.
  • Another word for that is trust in God
    • Because it’s trust in God that enables us to lay hold of the unseen world and treat is as if we can see it.
    • This is one of the threads running though Hebrews
    • We’re going to trace those threads today.
  • Here is how today’s passage fits into the flow of the whole of Hebrews

Structure of Hebrews

✓✓ Jesus! his throne is forever and ever 1:5–14
warn Pay attention to what you hear, don’t drift away 2:1–4
smiley Brothers & sisters of Jesus, living in his victory 2:5–18
hand Therefore: fix your thoughts on Jesus 3:1
warn O.T. warning—don’t follow negative examples 3:2–4:13
heart Approach God’s throne with confidence—find grace 4:14–16
snow New High Priest after order of Melchizedek 5–7:28
snowsnowsnow The point of what we’re saying: New Covenant 8
snow A New way to God and a New sacrifice 9:1-10-18
heart Draw near to God with sincere heart, full assurance 10:19–25
warn O.T. —be inspired by positive examples 10:26–39,11
hand Therefore: Let us fix our eyes on Jesus 12:1–2
smiley God’s sons and daughters! live in New Covenant 12:3–24
warn Don’t refuse him who’s speaking and turn away 12:25
✓✓ Jesus! The same yesterday, today and forever 13:1–20
  • He has given us these amazing truths, but if we don’t believe them, it counts for nothing!

Last time:

  1. Therefore, brothers and sisters,
    since we have authorization for free access to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, 20by the fresh and living way that he opened up for us, through the curtain—that is through his flesh,
  2. and since we have a great priest over the house of God,
  3. let us draw near with a sincere heart in the assurance that faith brings,
    • because we have had our hearts sprinkled clean from a burdened conscience and our bodies washed in pure water.
  4. And let us hold unwaveringly to the hope that we confess, for the one who made the promise is trustworthy.

Hebrews 11

  1. Now trust in God gives us confidence in what we hope for, and assures us of the reality of things that are not seen.
  2. It is because of this trust in God that the people of old received commendation
  3. By trust in God we understand that the ages of the world were created
    by the word of God
    so that what is seen did not originate from what is seen…
  4. Without trust it is impossible to please God
    for it is necessary for the one who draws near to God to believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

Heros of faith/trust:

  • Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, …
  • Moses, Rahab, …
  • Mosty stories linked to their marginalization
  • A recap on the social culture of the time

Social environment
of the time

David DeSilva Perseverance in Gratitude: Commentary p.12–16

  • shame/honour culture
  • Pagan gods very visibly all around, penetrating every aspect of society.
  • “deviancy control”
  • A constant tug towards conforming to what everyone else believed


  • I’m going to talk about the difference between living with your focus on
    • the visible world
    • vs. the invisible world of God’s promises
  • and how this will change your life
  • If you have a firm hold of the true reality (by means of faith) -it will do three things for you:
  1. it will change what you value in this life
  2. you will have a different attitude to your problems
  3. you will have joy and hope for the future


  1. Realities
  2. Reasons
  3. Results
  4. Route

1. The True Reality

1. The Two Realities

 The world around usTrue reality
Wealth:money, clothes, houses, cars, possessionsstreets of gold, a lasting crown, treasure in heaven
Achievement:academic success, respect, business success, artistic successbuilding the Kingdom of God, eternal honour, Jesus saying “Well done!”
a happy family
United to Christ as his bride
The deepest love we could ever know
The new family of his people
financial stability,
lots of savings for retirement
chosen & loved by God, his presence & protection every moment of lives. He’s preparing a place for us for eternity
Peace:can never reach perfection, guilty feelings, always making mistakes and messing upforgiveness, perfect in Christ, given the gift of a spotless robe
Performance:keep trying harder
we are never good enough
rest in Jesus
  • We measure ourselves in these visible categories

2: Reasons

2. Reasons

For setting our eyes on the true reality

  • Abraham
  • Israel in the Wilderness
  • poor widow
  • George Müller
  • This earthly reality will end
  • lived 4000 years ago in a prosperous city called Ur, (near modern-day Kuwait)
    • God told him one day to leave his home and to set off on a journey
    • He was to spend his whole life, travelling around, living in tents
    • He would have no home, because God had promised him a future home

Hebrews 11: Abraham

  1. By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place he would later receive as an inheritance, and he went out without understanding where he was going.
  2. By faith he lived as a foreigner in the promised land as though it were a foreign country, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who were fellow heirs of the same promise.
  3. For he was looking forward to the city with firm foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
  • There were two realities for Abraham:
    • Earthly reality
      • No home, living in a tent
      • no children
      • destined to die wandering around Palestine
    • Were those three things true? —yes!
    • Spiritual reality
      • God was preparing an eternal home for him
      • He was going to have children as numerous as the sand on the seashore
      • He had a destiny as one of the great figures of history
  • Both realities were true
    • Now which reality do you think was most real for Abraham?
      • It depends on what kind of a day he was having!
      • He wavered between. There was a tension. But he persevered!

Israel in the Wilderness

  • Hebrews 3 gives an contrasting example of the Israelites crossing the wilderness
    • Earthly reality
      • They had left all their comforts in Egypt and were living in tents
      • The same food every day, and they were getting fed up with it
      • They often ran out of water
      • The land they were supposed to be going to was populated by large, well-armed forces
      • All true
    • Spiritual reality
      • They were promised great comfort and wealth in the future
      • They didn’t have to worry about food, drink or clothing
      • They would easily be able to defeat their enemies
  • Both realities were true
    • Now which reality do you think was most real for almost all the Israelites?
    • What Hebrews 3 says they lacked was faith.
    • Faith lets you grasp the invisible true reality

Mark 12: The poor widow

  1. Then he sat down opposite the offering box, and watched the crowd putting coins into it. Many rich people were throwing in large amounts.
  2. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, worth less than a penny.
  3. He called his disciples and said to them, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the offering box than all the others.
  4. For they all gave out of their wealth. But she, out of her poverty, put in what she had to live on, everything she had.”
  • Earthly: very poor, this money is all she has for food
  • Spiritual?: God has say he will honour those who honour him

George Müller

George Müller

Image source: link

  • 1805-1898 Bristol, England
  • After weeks in prayer, he became convinced that God was asking him to start an orphanage, specifically to demonstrate how he would supply all their needs
    • This sort of event happened 100’s of times and was very well documented

“No food for breakfast”

No food for breakfast

Image source: “answers-to-prayer.com”

  • Amazing Story from From Chapter 14: God will supply [pp. 166–168]
  • His spiritual reality was that God had commissioned him to start an orphanage which would demonstrate answers to prayer.
    • The spiritual reality became the physical reality through prayer and trust.

Hebrews 12:
This earthly reality will end

  1. Then [the flood] his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, ‘I will once more shake not only the earth but heaven too.…’
  2. So since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us give thanks, and through this let us offer worship pleasing to God in devotion and awe.
  • The world is coming to an end, and what God has promised will become visible

The Two Realities

 The world around usTrue reality
Wealth:money, clothes, houses, cars, possessionsstreets of gold, a lasting crown, treasure in heaven
Achievement:academic success, respect, business success, artistic successbuilding the Kingdom of God, eternal honour, Jesus saying “Well done!”
a happy family
United to Christ as his bride
The deepest love we could ever know
The new family of his people
financial stability,
lots of savings for retirement
chosen & loved by God, his presence & protection every moment of lives. He’s preparing a place for us for eternity
Peace:can never reach perfection, guilty feelings, always making mistakes and messing upforgiveness, perfect in Christ, given the gift of a spotless robe
Performance:keep trying harder
we are never good enough
rest in Jesus
  • The point of the message is not this chart, but your own challenge
    • Where do you need to take your eyes off the visible and have them firmly fixed on the promises of God!

3. Results

  • Results of having a firm faith

3. Results:

  • Motivates and empowers us
    • Do not give up or become sluggish but endure joyfully
    • (Hebrews 6:11–12; 10:23, 34–36; 12:1,3)
  • Love toward one another
    • inasmuch as you have done it —you have loved me!
    • 13:2 “Do not neglect hospitality, because through it some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
  • Confidence
    • 11:1 Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for,
      and assures us of the reality of things that are not seen..
  • Confidence (my translation to capture the idea in the original)

The Result

  • 6:18. so that we who have found refuge in him may find strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us…
  • 10:35. So do not throw away your confidence, because it has great reward.
     36. For you need endurance in order to do God’s will and so receive what is promised.
  • 13:14 For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

4. Route

  • So what is the route to having more faith

4. Route to this place

  • Jesus enables us—bring your doubts to him
  • Meeting together regularly
    • 10:25 “…not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.”
  • Consider the Evidence
  • Past: Stories of God’s trustworthiness (yours and others’)
  • Future: Sense of perspective
  • Jesus enables us
    • Eyes fixed on him
    • Jesus the pioneer
    • rest in him [4:1–11] (another sermon)
    • he is the compassionate High Priest [5:2–3]
      1. He is able to deal compassionately with those who are ignorant and erring, since he also is subject to weakness,
      2. and for this reason he is obligated to make sin offerings for himself as well as for the people.
    • He understands our weakness!
  • What evidence do you have?
    • Mark Twain defined faith as “believing what you know ain’t true.
      • “Evidence based community”
    • There is so much evidence for Christianity—what is called apologetics (another sermon series)
    • What evidence do we have already as a reason to believe God ?
      • see lives changed – Evident in the lives of other Christians
        • He is changing us
      • Video series on archeology (not made by Christians)
        • Isaiah in DSS —99.9% identical
      • supernatural events
      • answers to prayer
      • inner “knowing” that it is true
      • The Spirit
  • Humans are social beings
    • One thing that makes it harder for us to have faith in the unseen is being surrounded by people who would laugh at that viewpoint
    • We cannot help but be influenced by those around us, or in the media, no matter how much we think we are like a rock
    • Hebrews has a remedy for that: meeting regularly with other believers
  • Meeting together regularly [10:25]
    • example of coal from a fire
    • another plug for homegroup
  • Douglas Adams, author of Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy (Atheist)

A sense of perspective

The Meaning of Lif  Douglas Adams

  • Definition of Life
    • Ok in places, but no substitute for the real thing!
  • The biggest problems we are facing are so small in the eternal scheme of things
    • “When we’ve been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun” (help in ages past)

Route to this place

  • Jesus enables us—bring your doubts to him
  • Meeting together regularly
    • 10:25 “…not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.”
  • Consider the Evidence
  • Past: Stories of God’s trustworthiness (yours and others’)
  • Future: Sense of perspective

So what is your reality?

  • Is life hard at the moment? —don’t give up!
    • Are you having trouble with relationships? —put it in perspective!
    • Need more money to make ends meet? (The God who “owns the cattle on 1000 hills knows your needs)
    • anxious —what is the very worst that could happen? (die and go to heaven)
    • We measure ourselves and make performance goals for ourselves that God has not made for us —other people
      • Allow God to define what it means for you to be successful
    • It is all about getting the right perspective
  • How can I make my faith stronger?
  • “Enable us to live our lives in this reality, understanding what you have for us.”